
Travelling to School

At Mayfield we are very lucky to be located in a leafy, residential setting.  We work really hard to maintain our Gold Stars Travel status by running lots of initiatives through the year like the Big Pedal, the Junior Travel Ambassadors, the Mince Pie Pedal and the Parking Promise.

Most of our pupils live well within 1km of school. Have a look on this map to see if you're within a kilometre.


Mayfield 1km Map

We ask all parents to support us in encouraging children to  walk, cycle or scoot  whenever possible.  If it is essential that you use a car please can you park 5 minutes walk away from the school and join in with our Park and Stride initiative.

Not using your car  has a number of benefits for the whole school community:

  • It keeps the roads immediately outside school much safer for our children
  • It minimises congestion on High Lane and Mayfield Gardens
  • It supports our Healthy Schools status
  • It promotes better relationships with our neighbours
  • It keeps local pollution to a minimum

There may be days when you have to use a car to come to school.  In those cases please do not park in front of our neighbours garages, on the zigzag road markings or within 10 metres of a junction.


Thank you for your co-operation.