Residential Journeys
We would like all children to experience a residential journey in their time at Mayfield. We want them to benefit from the extented enrichment opportunities and cultural experiences that are central to the school journeys.
The Bushcraft Company
In year 4 the children have the opportunity to spend 3 days in Knebworth, Herfordshire enjoying the outdoors. Have a look here to see what the children will be doing this year.
Rookesbury Park
In year 6 the children have the opportunty to spend 3 days at an outward bound activity centre in , Hampshire. Here the children swim, build rafts, abseil and even have a go at archery!
Kit List 2020
Have a look here to see the centre.
These experiences are frequenty quotes by our year 6 leavers and remain a lasting and happy memory for them.
The school will subsidse the cost of the school journey for children who are eligible for free school meals.