PSHE is taught throughout a child's time at Mayfield.
Through our Personal, Social, Health and Economic curriculum, we aim to develop positive attitudes and values that influence healthy patterns of behaviour, to explore and understand feelings, attitudes and values and to equip pupils with the skills to make informed choices.
It is our aim that Mayfield pupils will become informed, active and responsible citizens who will play a positive role in shaping our society for the good.
The teaching of Relationships, Sex and Health Education (RSHE) is an integral part of the PSHE curriculum. Relationship and Health Education is a statutory curriculum requirement for all primary schools. Sex education in year 6 is not compulsory and parents have the right to withdraw their child from one lesson (the one that is not part of the science curriculum) but we would ask that if you are considering this, that you have a conversation with us first as we highly recommend that children take part.
Our lessons are based on the Ealing PSHE Scheme of Work which was updated in January 2024.
In lessons pupils learn about:
- health and wellbeing
- living in the wider world
- healthy and unhealthy relationships (including bullying and harassment)
- basic first aid
- mental health and resilience
- drugs and alcohol education
- online safety and risk of harm
- relationships and sex education
Safeguarding, SMSC and British and Mayfield values are taught throughout the scheme and underpin much of the learning.
For a more detailed breakdown of the learning questions covered in each lesson, please see the progression maps below. If you have any questions regarding the teaching and learning of PSHE, please speak to Mrs Jordan.
Whole School Overviews
Further Resources and Information