
Winter Shows and Events - Don't miss out!

Tuesday 10th December

Mayfield Christmas Lunch. Tina arrives at 6am to start the food preparation - and boy is it worth it!  A delicious Christmas dinner with vegetarian options.

If  your child is in Years 3-6 and they are not eligible for Free School Meals then your account must be in credit.

If your child brings a packed lunch and would like to join in - please pack them a Christmas Cracker

Thursday 12th December School is CLOSED for the General Election
Friday 13th December

Bright/Christmas Jumper (non uniform) - Bring £1 for charity


Winter Shows:

9.20am - Reception and Nursery

10.00am - Years 1 and 2

2.00pm - Years 3 and 4

2.40pm - Years 5 and 6

Monday 16th December

Class Parties in the afternoon - own clothes

Tuesday 17th December The Annual Mayfield Mince Pie Pedal.  Children who scoot and cycle to school get a Mince Pie or festive treat at break time!
Thursday 19th December 2.30pm - Songs of the Season and then the Friends of Mayfield Raffle
Friday 20th December

Wear a bright/Christmas jumper and own clothes. 

School finishes at 2pm for the Christmas Break.