Return to school Road Safety
We're so looking forward to everyone coming back on Monday 8th.
We really want to ensure that everyone is safe before and after school and it's been a long time since the whole school arrived and left at the same time
If you drive - the School Streets traffic order is still in place stopping traffic from using the turning circle outside of the school except for drivers with blue badges. Cameras may capture you and you could be subject to a fine from the local authority if you do any of the following:
- Move the barrier
- Drive onto the pavement to stop in front of the school, along zigzag lines or yellow lines
- Reverse turn in front of the school
- Stop on the zebra crossing to let a child out
- Overtake cars that have stopped on High Lane to let children out
We are very lucky that we have no parking restrictions on the local roads so please park and stride the last few minutes of your journey
If you you walk, scoot or cycle with your child:
- Please remind your children of the Green Cross Code - here's a great video to watch with your children
- Even though the barrier makes it safer to cross at the bottom of the road - cars with blue badges can still use the road so ensure children stay on the pavement at all times and supervise them until the school gates open
- Do not scoot on the road
- The pavements can be congested in the morning so please be mindful of other people particularly if your children are using scooters