

In mathematics our children are taught number, shape and space, measures, data handling and they are given opportunities to use and apply mathematics to every day situations. From the time they start school at Mayfield our children are taught mathematics in a practical way providing a firm basis for future progression. When they have grounding in the basic skills and concepts, children are encouraged to use the above in estimations, problem solving and investigations. This leads our pupils toward logical thinking and self-confidence as well as using mathematics in everyday life situations.

 All of the above areas are taught through a structured daily mathematics lesson. The lesson is supported by an excellent range of resources that includes computers, calculators and measuring equipment.

 Targets to further each child's mathematical development are set regularly.

Click here to read Top Tips to support your child in maths.

Please see our school's Calculation Policy to support your children with the calculation methods which they are taught. 

Maths Progression (NCETM)

Place Value

Addition and Subtraction

Multiplication and Division


Ratio and Proportion



Geometry - Shape

Geometry - Position and Direction


Early Years Foundation Stage (Nursery and Reception)

There are six key areas of early mathematics learning, which collectively provide a platform for everything children will encounter as they progress through their maths learning at primary school, and beyond.

Cardinality and Counting





Shape and Space

Times Tables

We have a brilliant resource called Times Tables Rock Stars.

Your child has been sent home with their log-in details.

TTRS is a wonderful resource to support children learning their times tables in a fun and engaging way. Children, parents and teachers  can see how each child is progressing.

TTRS research has shown that just 10 minutes per day can significantly improve children's recall of multiplication and division facts.

To find out more about Times Tables Rock Stars watch the video below:



Find out more about the Year 4 Multiplication tests here.