

ICT is at the heart of teaching and learning.  The Computing curriculum is organised in to six strands giving children a wide range of opportunities and experiences.  The 6 strands are: Digital Media; Internet & E-mail; Online learning (Fronter); Control Technology; Word Processing & Presentation; and Spreadsheets and Databases.  Computing at Mayfield is thoroughly embedded across the curriculum meaning children use their Computing skills in Literacy, Mathematics, Music, Humanities and other subject areas.  For example, making an animation in Year 3 and 4 involves story-telling (Literacy), painting backdrops (Art), making a set and characters (D.T), as well as the important computing skills involved in stop-frame animation.  This approach results in high quality learning and experiences with pupils more focussed and motivated in their work.  Staff embrace new technologies in their teaching.

We are well resourced with multiple sets of laptops, cameras, floor turtles, microscopes and a host of hand-held devices.  Each classroom has a networked computer and an interactive whiteboard (C-Touch).  Each year from Year 1 upwards has access to class sets of computers. The school has a wireless connection throughout the school.

Computing Skills Progression